Blog of Laughter and Forgetting (Few Hundred Words of Garbage)

Saturday, November 06, 2004

God, Religion and Social Progress (An Intellectual Discourse)

Needless is to emphasise that Religion is the most important issue for the Mankind. Cynics may argue that food, cloth and home/shelter are the most important things for mankind, but we strongly disagree. If 1/3 of the total Global population can live without food, and 1/2 without water, how could food possibly be an important issue? Similar line of argument can also easily establish the fact that clothing is not a fundamentally important issue either. The issue of home/shleter is a bit more involved, but there's an easy remedy for that, which is known as Phil Collins.

Religion has, however, always remained the most important issue ever since the dawn of the first civilization. To be honest, many older, and thus obsolete, civilizations were wiped out by new civilizations, and it was on the basis of religion that such transformations were made possible.

Religion has helped us progress; it has helped population control through wars. Since most religious wars mainly destroy the poor, religion has directly helped in the overall improvement of economic conditions of societies.

But, where all religions have failed is in deciding on the religion of God! And that's where my profound wisdom and insight should be of service to mankind. I don't promise that I will give you the answer, but at least with my thorough analysis, I will try help you all understand the deeper truths.

There are some places in the world, where a person's religious affiliation is decided by that of his mother's. Since God seems not to have any known mother, He cannot belong to any of those religions.

In some other parts of the world, there are so many gods, and also the whole geneology of gods is so entwined and confusing that one cannot arive at a definite conclusion regarding His religion.

Under such circumstances, where God's religion is not established beyond doubt, how can one decide what is the "true" religion?

The solution to this problem is clear and simple: people belonging to each religion must kill/destroy other religions, and try to annihilate all peoples belonging to religions other than their own. Wars and destructions must be encouraged, and civil wars provoked. This will lead to large decrease in the global population, and will also lead to elimination of most of the religions.

Thus, finally when a single religion would remain, God, having no other choice, would be forced to embrace that remaining religion, and that religion would theereafter become the "true" religion of the world.

Disclaimer: This article was not influenced by global arms dealers, such as Adnan Khassougi at any stage, and in any way.


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