Blog of Laughter and Forgetting (Few Hundred Words of Garbage)

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Living With the Dead!

The first movie made by Martin Scorsese that I ever watched was "Bringing out the Dead". I didn't know next to nothing about him, nor anything about this movie. But it was a lazy weekend and my colleague lent me the DVD, and I watched it. The movie deals with the life of a pair of paramedics in New York at night.

I'm not sure if I liked the movie, or disliked it. Later on, I watched a major share of Scorsese's films. Till date, my most favorite among his movies is "The Last Temptation of Christ", but I also liked some of his other movies. Having said that, I often wondered if he wasted a considerable part of his talent making gangster movies with graphic depiction of gruesome violence.

However, I didn't mean to analyze Scorsese' moviemaking here, of which, I'm sure, I'm incapable. However, recently, I read a news item in CNN, which reminded me of his movie, "Bringing out the Dead".

The news item was about a person named, Kishor C. Bhatt, an interior designer of Bombay, who has made it his life's aim to find unclaimed bodies and give them a decent burial/funeral. He is man, who has not been detered by even the death of his only son at 17. He does not bother about the religion of the dead; all he aims is to give them dignified last rites. To quote CNN:

"So Bhatt began picking up unclaimed bodies and giving them last rites. What's even more surprising is that Bhatt is a Brahmin from the priestly caste. They do not typically associate with Muslims and Catholics, so it is considered a greater nobility for him to be carrying out this work.Pictures show him placing flowers around the face of a Hindu girl and sprinkling red powder over her white wrap before cremating her in a ceremony called a puja. There is also a picture of him thigh-deep digging a grave for a Muslim."

I'm sure, news such as this makes natural born pessimists like me (and many others) overcome their pessimism, and believe in humanity for however infinitesimal a time period!


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