Blog of Laughter and Forgetting (Few Hundred Words of Garbage)

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Authors I Can Comment On!

This morning, I was trying to think the name of the authors, on whose work I can comment with at least some fairness. The criterion I set for myself was: If I read at least 50% of the books each author wrote, I can possibly comment on their work. I consider here only the books that I read in English, in original or in translation.

And the outcome? I can find only a few names at the moment:

1) Bertrand Russell
2) Gabriel Garcia Marquez
3) Milan Kundera
4) John Steinbeck

Franz Kafka, Geroge Orwell and Albert Camus could possibly be included; but I'm not sure. (My list does not include Harper Lee, because she wrote only one book!).


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