Blog of Laughter and Forgetting (Few Hundred Words of Garbage)

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Gay Marriage: A Non-Gay Personal Perspective

Of late, there have been lots of heated discussions and arguments for and against the legality of Gay Marriage. And all these discussions have left me totally and permanently confused. I accept that this blog is just a collection of my rumblings, nothing else.

At the very beginning, I must confess that my views in this regard are that of a layman, mainly because though I'm totally confused with all these discussions, I must also confess that I've never seen a gay person myself. I mean, going by some of the intensely emotional arguments against gay marriage, I suppose that the gays are a species with tail, horn and all other accessories; but to be honest, I've never met one such person. So my comments are that of a novice.

Supporters of gay marriage often talk about equality in civil rights and other such issues, whereas the opponents argue that gay marriage cannot be made legal, because marriage in an institution between "a man and a woman" and that the Scriptures forbid same-sex union.

To have some insight, I started reading the Scriptures (no, I didn't buy the Lord's words, but rather someone once had given me a free copy of the Holy Scriptures) and I found that the punishment for a man sleeping with a man is death by stoning.

Now, I must say that I cannot decide whether I would support or oppose, if tomorrow a law is passed quoting the relevant passages from the scriptures, and thus stipulating death by stoning for gay couple. But what I can foresee is the following:

Someone would perhaps some up with a design of the stones to be used for such purpose, and patent it. There would also be patenting on its specific details, such as size, shape and color etc. Then there would be various brands of such stones, costing a fortune or just as low as 99 cents (+ taxes). Next will come the machines where you will able to pelt stones just by pressing a button. But that's not all: soon there would be remote-controlled such machines.

While this may lead to lots of new business opportunities, there could also be serious problems. For example, what if one of the companies decides to outsource their customer support to a place, where people don't speak fluent English. If the guy there misunderstands your query and advices you wrongly, this may lead to the breaking of your 42" Plasma TV set by accidental stoning. While this is just an example, the real-time damage could be much more extensive and thus expensive. However, this would anyhow be considered "collateral damage" for a good cause.

There is also an environmental aspect involved. Stones, when broken, turn into sand, and that leads to environmental pollution, though we know that our major concern is "NOT pollution, but the matters hanging in the air and water". But then: Are the Lord's words lighter than some sand? NO Sir, no.! The Lord's words are the heaviest things.

Really, believe me, I cannot decide. I'm totally confused...

But what confuses me most is that the Lord almighty chose to make a man before making any woman. While I will never dare to imply anything, I just cannot surmise why the Lord did not opt for a woman to be made first. Was the Lord a female Lord? A Wolord?

Acknowledgements: ex U.S. Vice-president Dan Quayle, whose words have been used here.


Blogger Miss Sarah Lyn said...


10:32 PM


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