Blog of Laughter and Forgetting (Few Hundred Words of Garbage)

Monday, February 28, 2005

The Gravest Injustice by the Academy!

No, I'm not talking about Martin what's-his-name yet again failing to win the Best Director's Oscar. Nor am I unduly concerned about all the criticisms and judgements passed on the Academy about its selection of the awardees.

But what I'm going to talk about is the gravest injustice that the Academy has ever done! And that is (as some of you might have already guesses correctly!) is its awarding the best male supporting actor Oscar to Morgan Freeman.

Why do I say this?

Come on, you know the answer! One does not have to be a rocket scientist (though actually, being a rocket scientist is not the most prestigious job for a scientist, perhaps!) to know that this fella, Morgan Freeman, does not know how to act. In fact, he never acts!! He does not possess the intensity of Brando, nor does he jump like Pacino, nor he goes stiff to do "method acting" like Dustin Hoffman or Denzel Washington. Then what does he do? Just stand there and deliver his lines in a detached, allof manner? Is that acting? I say, NO!!

In my opinion, he does not even deserve a single penny as salary for his work in the movies. One can never feel that he's acting when one watches him in a film. And in spite of that, you give him an Oscar!!!!!!

And look, what he did to you! While receiving the award, he did not act charged with emotion, he didn't kiss everyone around, he didn't thank his dead cat, he didn't cry, even his voice didn't choke for a moment. What the hell? Is that not an insult to the Academy? Is it not the norm for the Oscar winners to tremble, sob, talk about world peace, and what have you, and act as if (s)he even remotedly didn't have the faintest idea that (s)he may be awarded!!!!

But let me tell it on your face, Academy: you deserve it. You deserve it for choosing a non-actor for such an honor!


Blogger Usha said...

Oh yesssssssss, I love morgan freeman too - he is a natural!

7:58 AM


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