Blog of Laughter and Forgetting (Few Hundred Words of Garbage)

Thursday, April 14, 2005

The Bastard, The Homosexual, THE GENIUS!!!*

Let's talk about an illigetimate kid, a convicted homosexual.

This was also the same man who was jailed for sodomy, and who would be released after 2 months, because no witness would come forward to testify. Apparently, he was a paedophile too. He kept his private life secret, and never was involved with women. He had male compnaions/lovers of age 10 and 15.

But apparently, he was also a man of high integrity, who was very sensitive to moral issues. He respected all forms of life, thus turning vegetarian (at least for part of his life), and he often bought birds just to release them.

He also successfully tested a flying machine for the first time, and made designs of innumerable instruments.He keenly studied human anatomy.

And after his death, in accordance with his wish, 60 beggars followed his cascet.

He was an eccentric man, who liked to rub the establishment the wrong sides many a time; but he was also a Genius in the true sense of the word. He was Leonardo da Vinci.


*Remembering The Invincible Da Vinci.


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