Blog of Laughter and Forgetting (Few Hundred Words of Garbage)

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Is Zohra Sehgal Titanic?

Anyone who has not watched Titanic, has not led a life worth living, not because Titanic is that great a movie, but because everyone else has already seen it and, the enthusiastic description by the people who have seen the movie would drive any person who has not yet seen it crazy. But then the story is Titanic is fascinating, because ther world had not seen anything as grand as the Titanic when it was built. In fact, when titanic, the largest passenger steanship, was launched in 1912, they boasted of it as the unsinkable ship. And yet, within a few days of its first voyage, Titanic went down on 14th April, 1912.

That same day, another everlasting, unsinkable thing was born: Sahibzadi Zohra Begum Mumtaz-ullah Khan, popularly known as Zohra Sehgal. (I'm writing this based on an article I read in 1994, so maybe the date is wrong, but for sure, Zohra Sehgal was born in 1912).

(I first saw this grand old lady in a T.V. series entitled Mulla Naseeruddin, and was so impressed by her easy acting and the great smile that I started reading about her. This was the mid-1980's, and I lived in a part of the world, where Internet was still not there. So my only source of information were magazines, newspapers and books. And that's where I first came to know about her date of birth, which I have not been able to re-confirm at this moment.)

In spite of having been born into a traditional Sunni Muslim family, she travelled across the world with Uday Sankar's troupe, fell in love with, and married, a Hindu guy, and later went on to establish herself as an eminent member of the London Stage, and has remained active for almost 5 decades now. Not only that, she has also remained active in cinema and television.

And at 93, she is still going strong! That makes me think if she's Sitanic reincarnated! Who knows?
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