Blog of Laughter and Forgetting (Few Hundred Words of Garbage)

Thursday, November 18, 2004

War, Hollywood and Conspiracy!

The other day I commented on the contribution of the Egyptian Civilization to Hollywood. Today I'm going to throw some light on a different issue as mentioned in the title of this posting.

Now, before I start anything, let me vouche for my love of Hollywood movies. I would watch every piece of shit Hollywood churns out and clap, because -- being from a non-English speaking country -- that's the in-thing to do ("Are you in?"). I love movies where big, good guys like Arnie "Fuck you asshole" carry big guns, and punish "them motherfuckers/assholes", or benevolent American Special Agents, such as Stallone, help the religious guys somwhere in Asia (or was it "Afgenistan"?) to screw them "Commies" and call them "infidels" (It's a different issue that reality changes in less that decade; but then, like 2Pac said, "Reality is wrong. Dreams are for real."; so why bother?). And where can you see more "real" action that in Hollywood War Movies?

Needless to say, Hollywood has always been greatly interested in wars and conflicts. Now, I must say that I've nothing against war; nor am I fool not to realize that everyone cannot be "Matma Ghendi" and take a beating everytime. And so Hollywwod continues doing what it's best at: making war movies.

Starting from making a movie based on a fella, whose name has been mentioned, in passing, only once -- or was it twice? -- in the Holy Bible (Ben Hur), to Armageddon Hollywood has, over the years, churned out innumerable movies, some of them even mildly tolerable, but almost all biased, ignorant and arrogant views, which seems to be the Hollywood signature.

It's invigorating to see the portrayal of, and the reference to, "them bastards" meaning thereby the enemies (the evil incarnate) in those movies, be it in the 1970-80s, when they project the Viet Kongs as animals ("The Deer Hunter") or in the 1990s, when the Iraqis are referred to as "those fuckers" ("Courage Under Fire", where these words come from a common soldier, and who then apologizes, to be assured by his boss, Denzel Washington, that he has been correct the first time with his way of refering to the Iraqis. However, Denzel's stroke of genius belongs to the 2000s, when while teaching Dakota Fanning, he insists that Bhutan was the country where there was recently some turmoil that involved the Royal family ("Man on Fire") .).

But the issue to be discussed here is not Hollywood Wisdom, but rather a more serious one; namely: Hollywood conspiracy to bring Wars to the World!

You may laugh off at my idea, but I believe, at least I deserve a patient hearing.

Each time a War breaks out somewhere, the two things that rush there ahead of all are: the US media, and the Hollywood. Be it World War II, Vietnam War, or the Gulf War, the Hollywood eventually makes many movies (for the next 50 years) based on that war. One will perhaps be able to name in total a hundred movies made by Hollywood based on these wars.

Now why do they do that? Simple: because the thousands of people associated with it must survive. And survival in Hollywood does not mean food, clothes and a place to live. It means Lincoln cars, Condo in Beverly Hills, Armani/Versace designer clothing, Gucci/Prada handbags, Diamonds, Champagne and all...

Can you imagine what would many of the big moviemakers and stars be doing today if there were no wars, and thus no movies based on them? Can you imagine, for example, Arnie, acting as a personal trainer/gym instructor at the Staples Center near Downtown LA? "I dare you, I double dare you, motherfucker", you can't!!!!

If that's the case, is it hard to surmise for a moment that it must be Hollywood who has been planning and executing the wars al the time? I'm sure, it's not that hard. And I'm sure, nothing could be truer than this.

But they are not happy with that alone. For decades, Hollywood has been consistenetly instigating the Universe to fight against us through movies like E.T., Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Aliens vs. Predators and Star Wars. Why this?

Why cannot they just leave us alone? Why cannot just make movies based on us and not them? Why? Shall we have to be kidnapped by aliens, like what happened to The King (Elvis)?

But then who knows: maybe the Hollywood is ruled by Aliens. Maybe what we think to be humans are actually all Robots. Who can tell?

Disclaimer: Some of the words used here belong to Verizon Wireless, Quentin Tarantino, and others.


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