Blog of Laughter and Forgetting (Few Hundred Words of Garbage)

Monday, November 22, 2004

The Q That Quacks!

What's so great about something that quacks, right?

No, Wrong! Everything is important about something that quacks, because we all know,"If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck; it must be a duck." and if it does so, we should give the guy who's having the duck with him, 48 hours time to leave his country and go away, or else, we should drop millions of bombs that weigh 1 ton (that is 1000 multipled by 2.2 lbs, because 1 ton = 1000 kilograms, and 1 kilogram = 2.2 lbs, 1 lb being 454 gms) in his homeland to make the free world safer and to establish democracy in the land where the duck was supposed to be!

So far so good! Simple logic, flawless planning, effective implementation.

But what was the real nature of the duck?

In my opinion (and as always, I'm sure, I'm correct, mainly because I think so!) the duck that quacks is nothing but the Quarks. Why so?

Firstly, notice the similarity between the spelling of quack and quark.

Secondly, quacks constitute atoms/nucleus, and we now know (from the couple of test runs, carried out in August, 1945 in what's-it's-name that country), how devastating an atomic or a nucular, err, nuclear bomb could be! The quarks hide themselves inside atoms and come out "at a time of its choosing" and devastate humanity. Hit and run policy. And we're familar with this policy since say, Oct 7th, 2001. And although we would like to "smoke them out of their foxholes", we seem not to succeed in doing so, be it Quarks or Al Qaeda.

I'm sure the wise guy at Pentagon was surely referring to Quarks, which got misspelled as quacks, just like Buddy Holley's name was misspelled as Buddy Holly. And the guys at the Pentagon never say things that they're not sure about; example: WMD.

So, what do all these mean?
It means that the Free World must go after the Quarks now! Yeah, Quebec can wait; let's get them Quarks first!


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